We strive to provide the best service,innovative concept and unique design to our valued customers.

新娘花球訂造, fb elainefloral

Singapore, Gifts, gift, Send, online, Send Gifts, Send Gift, Delivery
S鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Singaporehampers

本店代理及經銷多國頭盔,避震,意大利名牌PRINT油缸墊及常備大量把手膠,多款車貽,本店代理及經銷多款排氣喉.除了買賣各款新舊電單車,提供安裝維修服務外 ,更代理多種名牌部品及各類騎士用品.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠安定電單車有限公司

Products ROSE LA LOGGIA flower box bouquet basket grand opening wedding wedding flower arrangement wedding decoration
A鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Agnes b fleuriste

Simpson Marine: In Asia since 1984Simpson Marine is well established in Southeast Asia with offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and China. Overview Simpson Marine was first es

Fanny Florist Ltd Offers the freshest and highest quality floral arrangements for all occasions. We have been providing floral products to our customers for over twenty years. We offer different vari
F鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Fanny Florist Ltd.

C鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Chiu Kee Florist


自家製~新娘花球 為籌備婚禮而煩惱的準新娘,為佢地製造一個獨一無異的新娘花球,另外,新郎襟花,主人家襟花,姊姐手花,另有生日花束,情人花束,畢業花束,送禮果籃....全港可送貨***亦歡迎來圖製作,有興趣的朋友,可以隨時聯絡,絕對樂意回覆 6414 2168 黎小姐~ 套餐: 玫瑰花球+新郎襟花1個$580 送頭花 風信子花球+新郎襟花1個$680 送頭花 繡球/鬱金香/馬蹄蘭花球+新郎襟花1個
鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Sum's Florist & Balloons

品名+ 價格 馬上買 H01 粉紅玫瑰+百合 $880.00 联络方法 24 hour hotline :82099774 FAX:2392 3608 email: [email protected]
C鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Chiu Kee Florist

Fafa World www.fafaworld.com 關於我們 本花店 Irene Florist - Fafaworld 由城市大學 SCOPE 校外課程之荷蘭農業教育 (DFA)畢業生主理. 並具多年經營花店經驗. 情人節獻禮: 對情加多點心意及心思! 今年情人節一定令你的伴侶及情侶心動! 情心奉獻花球及花束! 祝天下有情人終成眷屬! 花球 花束 其他產品 情人節日精選 植物 生日/心意

Melrose Flower 6628 4330 Lois Yam www.melrosehk.com We provide wedding flowers & planning services,flower arrangement, event decoration, gift bouquets& baskets etc. Order 2 months in advance
M鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Melrose Florist HK

Imagine getting married in a castle in the United Kingdom, or in front of the Cinderella palace in Disney with fireworks to celebrate your special day? How about sailing down in a gondola in Venice o
C結婚 / 海外婚禮Coco Weddings

Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

Mrs Liu Florist 提 供 情人節精選花束 。 本公司 一向以客為本,有多種玫瑰顏色及襯花可供客人選擇。務求為每位客人設計出獨一無二的情人節花束,令愛侶於情人節也感受到彼此是獨一無二的。 價錢 : $ 480 起,並設有 免費送貨 * 服務。 客戶凡於 2 月 11 日前訂購情人節花束,可享 9 折優惠,自取 85 折優惠。 * 指定地區除外 有以下玫瑰顏色可供客人選擇: 紅 、 白
m鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花mrs.liu florist

We also supply imported plant materials, seeds and turf of different varieties and sizes from Thailand, Malaysia, Netherlands, US, Australia, etc. We are well experienced and specialize in handling l
鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽新五月花園藝有限公司

Fleur.hk - 鮮花花球 花香港為您提供不同形式,精緻的鮮花花球。 結婚花球是刻錄在您記憶中的香氣,童話婚禮當然不能缺少。 時款時尚的設計,花價真材實料,有貴的少見的,亦有便宜大眾化的花,不同的顏色質感拼湊出設計出非常個性的款式。 個性化的設計及顏色選擇,由場地到花球亦是色系一致的,貼身為您交代花材,安排送花。 花香港﹣網上訂花 http://fleur.hk 花香港部落格 http://
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Fleur Hong Kong Florist
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